Call Us 941-746-1203


We Have Represented Clients In Over 1,000 Dissolutions of Marriage

We can help you with advice and representation for any type of dissolution of marriage, whether it is a short term marriage, with or without children, or a long term marriage with complex financial and social issues.



Child Custody Matters

Ed Sobel has a B.A. degree in psychology and is a member of Psi Chi, the Psychology National Honor Society. His background and experience makes him well qualified to work with clients and family mental health care providers to determine and implement parenting plans, timesharing schedules (with or without relocation of the minor children) and parental responsibility provisions for the best interests of the minor children.

Division of Assets and Debts

Mr. Sobel’s experience and education assist with the identification, valuation and distribution of marital assets and debts. His expertise is utilized to determine and implement equitable distribution with consideration of Florida law and Federal tax law.


We can assist with the determination of child support guidelines calculations, if alimony should be awarded, and the amount and period of time support should be paid, with consideration of Florida law and Federal Income Tax consequences.